Development Account Achievements
The Development Account provides its ten the mostly non-resident implementing entities (DESA, ECA, ECE, ECLAC, ESCAP, ESCWA, UNCTAD, UNEP, UN-Habitat and UNODC) with the ability to apply their vast knowledge and know-how to deliver capacity development support to selected stakeholders. Projects provide a bridge between the headquarters of the implementing entities and the field, enabling those entities to apply their normative and analytical expertise on the ground and to support the development of sustainable capacities. Through the support of the Account, the ten implementing entities are able to follow up on intergovernmental processes and their analytical work with concrete projects at the multi-country, sub-regional, regional and global levels. Most of the projects are focused on multiple countries, often least developed countries, landlocked least developed countries, and small island developing States, frequently across multiple regions, and involve the United Nations Secretariat and United Nations system entities, as well as partnerships with national Governments and other development partners. The projects are designed and implemented in response to needs expressed and demands made by Member States, as well as recommendations and decisions made in the intergovernmental processes and relevant governing bodies.
The Development Account serves as an important operational facility for testing new and innovative development approaches. When successful, such approaches can be scaled up and replicated to improve development results, with funding from outside the Account. The Account also provides a mechanism for promoting the exchange and transfer of skills, knowledge and good practices among target countries, including in different geographical regions, for example, through South-South cooperation and through cooperation with a wide range of partners in the development community.
Over the years, continuous learning has become a major focus of the Development Account, in particular by strengthening the implementation of projects in successive tranches by adopting results-based management approaches, project results frameworks and quality control and monitoring mechanisms, placing an emphasis on partnerships and conducting evaluations. Most importantly, throughout the existence of the Account, there has been a continuous effort to strengthen its focus on the achievement of real results in the project countries. The selected stories in the links below provide examples of successful projects delivered with support from the Account.
12th Tranche and COVID-19 response projects (2020-Present)
- Time-use data for better policies in Africa, Western Asia and Latin America (DESA)
- Investing in walking and cycling policies in African cities within Least Developed Countries (UNEP)
- Migration statistics and skills recognition in Africa for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (ECA)
- Harnessing the contribution of intra-regional migration to socio-economic development in Latin America and Caribbean countries (ECLAC)
- Promoting a shift towards sustainable freight transport in the Asia-Pacific region (ESCAP)
- Social Expenditure Monitor: An integrated framework for supporting macro-fiscal policies and the SDGs in the Arab region (ESCWA)
- Inclusive development for indigenous peoples in Africa and Latin America (DESA)
- Statistics and data for the measurement of illicit financial flows in the Asia-Pacific region (UNODC)
Joint COVID-19 response projects:
- Global Initiative towards post-COVID-19 resurgence of the MSME sector
- Transport and trade connectivity in the age of pandemics
- Strengthening social protection for pandemic response
- Response and recovery: mobilizing financial resources for development in the time of COVID-19
- Building urban economic resilience during and after COVID-19
Adaptation of projects to COVID-19:
- Fighting domestic violence and violence against women and girls during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Helping Governments support businesses and Sustainable Development Goals-related investments in the time of COVID-19
- Strengthening statistical capacity for evidence-based policymaking: Joint Programme on Statistics and Data
9th to 11th Tranche (2014- 2019)
- Municipal asset management for sustainable development in selected Least Developed Countries in Africa and Asia (DESA)
- Measuring, monitoring and improving performance in regional integration within ECA, ESCWA and ESCAP regions (ECA)
- Increased policy coherence and sustainability of national production and consumption patterns in North-South and South-South agricultural trade (ECE)
- Technological transformations in Latin America: promoting productive jobs and confronting the challenge of new forms of informal employment (ECLAC)
- Strengthening statistical capacity to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 14 on oceans in ESCAP member countries (ESCAP)
- Addressing the challenges of the forcibly displaced and their host communities in the ESCWA region (ESCWA)
- Leapfrogging skills development in e-commerce in South-East Asia within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UNCTAD)
- Towards a coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of the Sustainable Development Goals (UNEP)
- Strengthening urban resilience in South-East Africa (UN-Habitat)
- Safety governance approach in urban environments for safe, inclusive and resilient communities (UNODC)
- Strengthening the capacity of national tax administrations in developing countries to effectively negotiate and apply double tax treaties for the financing of sustainable development (DESA)
- Strengthening the capacity of the African Peer Review Mechanism countries in conducting effective self-assessment and implementing national plans of action (ECA)
- Strengthening the national road safety management capacities of selected developing countries and countries with economies in transition (ECE)
- Promoting equality: strengthening the capacity of selected developing countries to design and implement equality-oriented public policies and programmes (ECLAC)
- Enhancing knowledge and capacity for the management of disaster risks for a resilient future in Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
- Strengthened national capacities for integrated, sustainable and inclusive population and development policies in the Arab region (ESCWA)
- Building the capacities of selected least developed countries to upgrade and diversify their fish exports (UNCTAD)
- Building sustainable and resilient ecological food systems using ecosystem-based adaptation in agriculture-dominated landscapes in sub-Saharan Africa (UNEP)
- Strengthening capacities to address land tenure security in Africa through better monitoring and information (UN-Habitat)
- Strengthening and enhancing the capacity of law enforcement officials in combating travelling child sex offenders in Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Viet Nam (UNODC)
1st to 8th Tranche (1999-2015)
- Strengthening modelling capacity for development policy analysis (DESA)
- Strengthening the capacity of Member States to collect and produce high quality data (ECA)
- Supporting implementation of international standards for commercial agricultural products (ECE)
- Strengthening national capacities for sustainable energy policies in Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
- Paperless trade facilitation in Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
- Promoting the Knowledge Society and Information, Communication and Technology in the Arab Region (ESCWA)
- UNCTAD Virtual Institute: Strengthening the capacity of developing country academics (UNCTAD)
- Improved food security, water supply and livelihoods in select African countries (UNEP)
- Development of Climate Resilience Strategies in Honiara, Solomon Islands (UN-Habitat)
- Promoting the Rule of Law and Governance in the Criminal Justice System (UNODC)