Supporting implementation of international standards for commercial agricultural products(ECE)

The Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) has supported the capacity of transition and developing economies to implement international standards for commercial agricultural products to improve their trade competitiveness and has organized capacity-building activities in Central Asian countries to increase their opportunities in international trade. These activities have made it possible to work towards pooling of production resources, to increase business and export potential and to open new markets and provide prospects for the sustainable economic and social development of the region.

Since 2009, ECE has organized capacity-building activities in Central Asian countries to increase their opportunities in the international trade of nuts and dried fruit, with support from the Development Account. Initial awareness raising workshops in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in 2009 and 2011 under the 6th tranche Enhancing the capacity of developing countries to implement international standards for commercial agricultural products to improve their trade competitiveness project were followed by sector specific technical activities under the 9th tranche Strengthening the capacity of transition and developing economies to participate in cross-border agricultural food supply chains project. The latter included regional training workshops and study tours, analysis of the region’s export potential and its barriers, as well as development of increased links to business partners both within and outside the region.

National and regional level results

The activities under the two projects have made it possible for the dried apricot producing sector in the Fergana Valley countries – Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan – to work towards pooling their production of dried apricots and thus increase their business and export potential. The Development Account financed training in quality management, food safety, and sustainable business development, independent case studies and the identification of concrete ways to tackle regulations and procedures. This, together with the support of ECE experts, has made it possible to open new markets and provide prospects for the sustainable economic and social development of this region, including improved and sustained livelihoods of local populations, e.g. small farmers and especially women.

Results of the projects at national and regional levels include institutional changes and increased capacity of authorities to implement international standards to improve the cross-border supply chains in the region, as well as increased capacity of the private sector for export of the combined production consignments to face the new business demands. The projects have also empowered the target groups and increased their participation and impact in international fora to better reflect their concerns (e.g. the new ECE dried apricot standards adopted in November 2016 includes specific clauses for the Central Asian region’s production). The projects have further resulted in informal and formal linkages between the public and private sectors in the region.

Sustainable effect on the region

The adoption of new standards and inspection practices, the inclusion of dried apricots in export promotion plans by national agencies, and the business community’s eagerness to realize this sector’s potential, all attest to the sound sustainability of the capacity-building efforts described above. The favorable climatic conditions, natural cultivation advantages, the potential for organic and sustainable agricultural production, combined with the solid foundation that has been built with the support of ECE and the Development Account is expected to have a lasting and sustainable impact on the region.

Read more about the work of ECE in this area.