Migration statistics and skills recognition in Africa for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (ECA)

Regional workshop on the contribution of migration to development in Africa (January 2024)This project aimed to strengthen capacities of six countries in Africa to collect, analyze and disseminate migration-related data and enhance mutual recognition of skills and qualifications of African workers to implement the migration-related targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Global Compact for Safe and Orderly Migration, specifically  Morocco, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Senegal, South Africa and Zimbabwe. These countries were selected based on their long migration histories and demonstrated commitment to address migration challenges. The project paid special attention to strengthening capacities of countries to collect, analyze and disseminate migration-related data that is disaggregated by gender, age, qualifications, and migratory status to develop policies and programmes that enhance employment opportunities for migrants across Africa.  

At the end of the project, 29 workshops were organized in the six countries, including 10 capacity development workshops to strengthen national capacities to collect and make use of precise and disaggregated data, serving as a basis for evidence-based policies, and 11 reports on migration statistics and recognition of the skills of migrants were produced in partnership with Member States. In addition, five regional/subregional workshops were organized, and 802 participants participated in project activities. This series of workshops brought together all six target countries, as well asGhana and Mauritania, providing an opportunity to share the achievements made and to exchange experience and best practices.

Under the project’s purview, a digital platform for migration statistics was developed in Morocco, Mali and Senegal to enable Member States to have an official and centralized tool for migrants’ statistics. Five countries (Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Mali, Morocco, and South Africa) developed and adopted National Action Plans to enhance the mechanisms for recognizing the skills of migrants and to improve migration statistics. ECA provided technical support and advisory services to develop a national roadmap in each country. A multi-partner National Working Group (NWG) was created by Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Mali, Morocco, South Africa, and Zimbabwe that included all stakeholders (government and non-government) and development partners working on migration issues to ensure better coordination and collaboration. The project also established the Africa Network of Migration Experts: a network of 27 experts from the six target countries that aims to facilitate the exchange of experts between African countries and share knowledge and expertise in migration statistics and skills recognition. A total of 303 government officials and 249 stakeholders were trained in migration statisticsThis pool of experts will ensure the continuity of knowledge transfer after the end of the project by transferring the acquired knowledge to other government officials working on migration issues.