Project Info
Project Code
Tranche Type
Capacity-building for diversification and commodity-based development
Implementing Entity (Lead)
Financial and Evaluation Info
Total Budget
Project Selected for Evaluation
Countries and Regions
Areas of Work
Thematic Clusters
Social Development
Objective and Expected Outcomes
To assist the enterprise sector in developing countries to adapt to the liberalized and more exigent trading environment with government policies revised to reflect the trading framework that prevails today
Expected Outcome 1
Enabling enterprises in commodity dependent countries to adapt their diversification strategies and business practices to modern market exigencies, e.g., by adopting appropriate communication, information, and partnership channels, identifying opportunities for niche products and processed items, and providing supplies that meet specific market requirements
Expected Outcome 2
Enabling enterprises to build effective partnerships with banks and other finance providers for using structured commodity finance and modern risk management instruments, as well as to prioritize and communicate their needs to governments; Enabling governments to design and implement focused and sequenced policies and measures that deal with the most important bottlenecks experienced by their enterprises, and that facilitate, wherever possible, the provision of necessary support services by the enterprise sector
Expected Outcome 3
Increasing the effectiveness for local institutions and civil society in ensuring that the more disadvantaged segments of the population are involved in the diversification process with a view to reducing poverty; Increasing food self-sufficiency, besides export diversification, in net food importing countries