Project Info

Project Code
Tranche Type
Capacity-building on ICT policymaking


Implementing Entity (Lead)
Jointly Implementing DA Entities
Collaborating DA Entities

Financial and Evaluation Info

Total Budget
Project Selected for Evaluation

Countries and Regions

Areas of Work

Thematic Clusters
Technology and Productive Sectors

Objective and Expected Outcomes

To increase awareness and understanding among decision-makers of developing countries and countries with economies in transition of the potential of ICT as tools for development and relevant policy implications; To assist decision makers of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in building indigenous capacity for ICT policy and strategy development, in particular, for integration of ICT in national development programmes; To help build indigenous capacity of developing countries and countries with economy in transition to participate in a systematic and meaningful manner in international agenda-setting and decision-making bodies and events relevant to ICT for development (ICTD); To promote bilateral, regional and international cooperation, in particular, the South-South cooperation, in the areas of ICT policy, strategy and regulation development through establishing a network of ICTD actors and policy makers and creating a knowledge platform for sharing experiences and for learning.? To increase awareness and understanding among decision-makers of developing countries and countries with economies in transition of the potential of ICT as tools for development and relevant policy implications; ? To assist decision makers of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in building indigenous capacity for ICT policy and strategy development, in particular, for integration of ICT in national development programmes;? To help build indigenous capacity of developing countries and countries with economy in transition to participate in a systematic and meaningful manner in international agenda-setting and decision-making bodies and events relevant to ICT for development (ICTD);? To promote bilateral, regional and international cooperation, in particular, the South-South cooperation, in the areas of ICT policy, strategy and regulation development through establishing a network of ICTD actors and policy makers and creating a knowledge platform for sharing experiences and for learning.? To increase awareness and understanding among decision-makers of developing countries and countries with economies in transition of the potential of ICT as tools for development and relevant policy implications; ? To assist decision makers of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in building indigenous capacity for ICT policy and strategy development, in particular, for integration of ICT in national development programmes;? To help build indigenous capacity of developing countries and countries with economy in transition to participate in a systematic and meaningful manner in international agenda-setting and decision-making bodies and events relevant to ICT for development (ICTD);? To promote bilateral, regional and international cooperation, in particular, the South-South cooperation, in the areas of ICT policy, strategy and regulation development through establishing a network of ICTD actors and policy makers and creating a knowledge platform for sharing experiences and for learning.? To increase awareness and understanding among decision-makers of developing countries and countries with economies in transition of the potential of ICT as tools for development and relevant policy implications;? To assist decision makers of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in building indigenous capacity for ICT policy and strategy development, in particular, for integration of ICT in national development programmes; ? To help build indigenous capacity of developing countries and countries with economy in transition to participate in a systematic and meaningful manner in international agenda-setting and decision-making bodies and events relevant to ICT for development (ICTD); ? To promote bilateral, regional and international cooperation, in particular, the South-South cooperation, in the areas of ICT policy, strategy and regulation development through establishing a network of ICTD actors and policy makers and creating a knowledge platform for sharing experiences and for learning.
Expected Outcome 1
Enhanced capacity of national governments of developing countries and countries with economy in transition in developing and implementing effective and sustainable national e-strategies
Expected Outcome 2
A knowledge platform on ICT for development, which will include a network of ICTD actors and policy makers, a dedicated portal and a website linked to major organizations relevant to ICT policy and strategy development, with a positive spillover and multiplier effects on policy-making, analytical and applied skills in various sectors of the economy and society
Expected Outcome 3
Systematic and effective participation of decision-makers of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in global, regional and sub-regional forums and bodies on ICTD; Integration and application of ICT into the transition process, especially as regards public sector reform to support trade and enterprise