Project Info

Project Code
Tranche Type
Promoting Renewable Energy Investments for Climate change Mitigation and Sustainable Development


Implementing Entity (Lead)
Collaborating DA Entities

Financial and Evaluation Info

Total Budget
Project Selected for Evaluation

Countries and Regions

Areas of Work

Thematic Clusters

Brief Description

The objective of the project is capacity building for development of renewableenergy investment projects. It will assist UN ESCWA and UN ECE to strengthen capacities oftheir member states to attract investments in renewable energy projects in the context ofclimate change mitigation and sustainable development.While a number of countries worldwide have expressed their interest in adopting renewableenergy in power production and other sectors with high carbon dioxide emission levels, they stillface serious challenges in attracting private investments in the Renewable Energy (RE) area.Capacity building for the development of renewable energy investment projects is an essentialrequirement for this work.Through a close cooperation with the countries concerned and in the framework of a desirableinvestment framework, a series of interactive events and the use of local experts, the projectsfocuses of facilitating the increased mobilization of financial resources for renewable energyinvestments.The project will (a) develop the skills of the public and private sectors at the national level to2identify, develop and implement RE investment projects; (b) provide assistance to authorities to introduce regulatory and institutional reforms needed to support these investment projects; and (c) enhance financing of renewable energy projects in selected countries.The project will provide case studies on the experience of policy reforms, regional trainings, workshops and seminars focusing on policy reforms and investment projects developmentThe project builds on the UN experience and recommendations in the area of sustainable energy development and will draw on recommendations developed through different national and international led studies and projects that examined these issues in the relevant regions. The proposed project will be implemented in cooperation between UN ESCWA and UN ECE, other relevant UN agencies and national counterparts to strengthen their capabilities through a number of capacity building activities. While the project includes activities in policy reforms, the main focus will be capacity building for the development of renewable energy investment projects.ESCWA and ECE will optimize the resources allocated for this project by organizing joint activities under this UN DA: Developing common capacity building and training material, and organizing common events; capacity building and training seminars and workshops, including work involving the development of the RE project pipelinesThe two regional commissions will seek cooperation on this project, during the implementation phase, with the World Bank (WB), the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and other potential international stakeholders.

Objective and Expected Outcomes

To strengthen the capacities of government officials, national financial institutions and national energy experts and project developers, which are involved in renewable energy (RE) in selected developing countries and countries with economies in transition in the ESCWA region and ECE region, to attract investments in renewable energy projects as a means of sustainable development and climate change mitigation
Expected Outcome 1
Improved capacity of government officials, national financial institutions and national energy experts and project developers to develop renewable energy investment projects in the private and public sectors
Expected Outcome 2
Improved capacity for governments to adopt policies and measures to improve opportunities for banks and commercial companies to invest in renewable energy projects