Project Info
Project Code
Tranche Type
Strengthening connectivity of countries in South and Central Asia, particularly Landlocked and Least Developed Countries, to link with, sub regional and regional transport and trade networks
Implementing Entity (Lead)
Collaborating DA Entities
Financial and Evaluation Info
Total Budget
Project Selected for Evaluation
Countries and Regions
Countries or Areas:
Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Türkiye, Uzbekistan
Asia, Europe
Intermediate Regions:
Countries in Special Situations:
Land Locked Developing Countries (LLDC), Least Developed Countries (LDC)
Areas of Work
Thematic Clusters
International Trade
Brief Description
The project seeks to contribute to the capacities of the stakeholders in the countries of South and Central Asia, especially in the landlocked and least developed countries to strengthen their links with the sub regional and regional transport and trade networks. To achieve this objective, the project is expected to explore the possibilities of (i) linking these countries to the existing and proposed sub regional road and railway networks along the Asian Highway (AH) and Trans-Asian Railway (TAR) routes and Europe-Asia Transport Linkages (EATL) corridors based on minimal investments; (ii) facilitating the movement of goods along these corridors in a mutually beneficial manner, especially for the benefit of the landlocked and least developed countries (LLDCs and LDCs) in these sub regions; and (iii) facilitating trade and investment through the promotion of paperless trade and the creation of economic corridors at the border crossings that could be of particular interest to LLDCs and countries emerging from conflict, such as Afghanistan. Those countries are seeking to rebuild their economies through improved connectivity with the region
Objective and Expected Outcomes
To strengthen the capacities of member States in South and South-West Asia and Central Asia, particularly LDCs and landlocked countries, to plan and implement measures to enhance intra- and interregional connectivity and to harness their economic potential for inclusive and sustainable development
Expected Outcome 1
Enhanced awareness of the government officials, regional groupings and financial institutions about the possible connectivity options and their economic and social benefits including existing interregional trade opportunities
Expected Outcome 2
Increased skills of government officials, regional groupings and financial institutions to develop and implement measures, including coordination in policies and plans that incorporate gender dimensions, to enhance connectivity in the region through application of standards and best practices for trade and transport facilitation at the border crossings and along the main economic corridors identified