Project Info

Project Code
Tranche Type
Supporting Member States in developing and strengthening environment statistics and integrated environmental-economic accounting for improved monitoring of sustainable development


Implementing Entity (Lead)
Collaborating DA Entities

Financial and Evaluation Info

Total Budget
Project Selected for Evaluation

Countries and Regions

Countries or Areas: Burundi, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Rwanda, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania (the)
Regions: Africa, Asia
Intermediate Regions:
Countries in Special Situations: Land Locked Developing Countries (LLDC), Least Developed Countries (LDC)

Areas of Work

Thematic Clusters
Sustainable Development

Brief Description

High quality statistics and integrated information are important inputs into evidence based policy and decision-making. They are also key to monitoring internationally agreed goals, sustainable development, and the post-2015 development agenda. Given the critical role of high quality environment statistics, and their integration with socio-economic statistics the overall objective is to strengthen national capacities of developing countries for the sustained, regular production of a priority set of environmental statistics, environmental-economic accounts, and the resulting indicators, in order to measure progress towards sustainable development. The project is composed of two complementary modules, developed in a harmonized manner.Module A will work with countries that are in the early stages of developing environment statistics. It will be executed through a set of activities including organizing an initial sub-regional capacity-building workshop to train the countries using the FDES and the Basic Set of Environment Statistics, applying the Environment Statistics Self-Assessment Tool, developing national work plans, providing technical assistance and organizing national workshops for the participating countries, promoting inter-institutional platforms and data-sharing protocols at the national level, and organizing a closing sub-regional workshop to share progress, lessons learned and discuss the way forward. Module B will work with countries that expressed interest in implementing the SEEA. It will be executed through a set of activities including developing diagnostic tools for the self-assessment on institutional environment and data availability for compiling environmental-economic accounts, organizing two expert group meetings to discuss diagnostic tools and compilation guidelines, organizing four sub-regional workshops to build capacity in countries and develop national strategies, developing regional implementation strategies for environmental-economic accounting, organizing four pilot projects, and developing compilation guidelines.

Objective and Expected Outcomes

To strengthen national capacities of selected developing countries for the sustained, regular production of a priority set of environmental statistics, environmental-economic accounts, and the resulting indicators, in order to measure progress towards sustainable development
Expected Outcome 1
Enhanced technical capacities of selected countries to regularly produce a comprehensive set of environment statistics, based on FDES, according to their own policy demands and commitments
Expected Outcome 2
Strengthened institutional and technical capacity of selected national statistical offices to develop national and regional strategies for the SEEA implementation in response to policy needs for more comprehensive and accurate statistical information on the interactions of the environment and the economy