Project Info
Project Code
Tranche Type
Demographic transition: opportunities and challenges to achieve the SDGs in Latin America and the Caribbean
Implementing Entity (Lead)
Collaborating DA Entities
Other Collaborating Entities
Other UN entities
Financial and Evaluation Info
Total Budget
Project Selected for Evaluation
Countries and Regions
Countries or Areas:
Argentina, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Uruguay
Intermediate Regions:
Countries in Special Situations:
Land Locked Developing Countries (LLDC), Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
Areas of Work
SDG Targets
Thematic Clusters
Brief Description
Although countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are at various stages in their demographic transition, most of them are experiencing a period that is particularly conducive to economic development known as the demographic dividend, in which the proportion of working-age people increases relative to the rest of the population. This economically favorable period can contribute to accelerated progress towards SDGs. This beneficial period will be followed –sooner in some countries and later in others— by a period of rapid population ageing that will pose new social and economic challenges which can impede progress towards SDGs. In the Latin American and Caribbean region, 18 countries will experience the demographic dividend throughout the SDG period (2015-2030), while 13 countries will pass into the period of rapid population ageing during this period. Taking advantage of the opportunities and responding to the new challenges presented by the demographic transition during the SDG period requires forward-looking policies which take into account population dynamics. Within this context, this project is designed to improve the capacity of policymakers in selected Latin American and Caribbean countries to assess the opportunities and challenges brought by the demographic transition, thus increasing their ability to develop forward-looking policies to advance towards the SDGs. The project aims at achieving two main targets. First, to strengthen national technical capacity of selected Latin American and Caribbean countries to produce National Transfers Accounts and analyze the economic and social impact of the demographic transition; and second, to strengthen capacity of Latin American and Caribbean governments to formulate public policies and plans that account for future demographic change and its likely social and economic impacts, by using NTAs.
Objective and Expected Outcomes
To enhance the capacity of Latin American and Caribbean countries to develop forward-looking policies for socio-economic development which take into consideration the demographic transition and population dynamics.
Expected Outcome 1
Strengthened national technical capacity of select Latin American and Caribbean countries to produce National Transfers Accounts (NTAs) and analyze the economic and social impact of the demographic transition.
Expected Outcome 2
Strengthened capacity of Latin American and Caribbean governments to formulate public policies and plans that account for future demographic change and its likely social and economic impacts, by using NTAs.