Project Info

Project Code
Tranche Type
Big data for measuring and fostering the digital economy in Latin America and the Caribbean


Implementing Entity (Lead)
Collaborating DA Entities

Financial and Evaluation Info

Total Budget
Project Selected for Evaluation

Countries and Regions

Countries or Areas: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico
Regions: Americas
Intermediate Regions:
Countries in Special Situations:

Areas of Work

SDG Targets
Thematic Clusters

Brief Description

The global economy is increasingly based on digital technologies that have permeated vertically, acting as platforms for all economic and social activities: the digital economy. This digital economy consists of the telecommunications infrastructure, the ICT industries (software, hardware and ICT services) and the economic and social activities based on the Internet. However, its real size is underestimated by conventional definitions and datasets originally established as measures of production of physical goods. Current measurement methodologies cannot reflect the value of digital goods and services, and their economic impact. Given the importance of digital technologies as enablers for economic growth, social inclusion and the sustainable use of natural resources, policies need to be based on adequate measurement of the digital economy. The availability of data is crucial for the policy making process as it allows governments to allocate resources, and evaluate the impact of different investment strategies, regulatory frameworks and policy decisions. In brief, the design of development policies must be based on measurement models that capture the sources of value creation of current patterns of economic growth. This effort implies to set policy relevant metrics, and the use of Big data combined with traditional sources as the National Statistics Offices (NSO). Since 2005, the Latin American and Caribbean countries (LAC) have embraced the adoption of ICTs as a tool for development through the Action Plan for the Information Society (eLAC). The new digital agenda eLAC2018 sets out the digital economy as a priority area of action. ECLAC acts as the technical secretariat of this process monitoring progress in digital topics through the Observatory for the Information Society in LAC (OSILAC) working with NSO and ICT policy makers in the definition of indicators and measurement methodologies of ICTs access and use. During the last 10 ten years of the implementation of OSILAC and eLAC, LAC countries have acknowledge that evidenced based policies depend upon adequate and timely data. Under this framework, the first expected outcome of the project is to increase national capabilities to encourage the use of Big data techniques in combination with traditional tools to measure the digital economy. In second place, it aims to enhance capacity of Latin American countries to strengthen their digital economy through evidence based polices at regional or national level. In particular, the project will focus on Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico due to the maturity of their digital policies, greater interest in the development of ad-hoc policies, and the possibility to achieve concrete results within the project’s life. For this purpose, the activities to be undertaken will focus on: the analysis of experiences of using Big data for measurement, defining methodologies for measuring of the digital economy, capacity building, political awareness and technical assistance. Activities developed in the frame of the project will involve UN staff from the Division of Production, Productivity and Management, the Division of Statistics and the Division of Gender Affairs of ECLAC. ITU and UNCTAD are also expected to be actively involved, providing international experiences and capacity building to enhance the measurement of the digital economy in LAC taking into account international guidelines.

Objective and Expected Outcomes

To improve national capabilities in the LAC region, in particular in selected LAC countries to measure the digital economy using Big data and traditional statistical techniques to support evidence-based policies to foster the digital development
Expected Outcome 1
Increased capacities of LAC countries to develop and include the use of Big data techniques in combination with traditional data to measure the Digital Economy
Expected Outcome 2
Enhanced capacity of selected Latin American countries to strengthen their Digital Economy through evidence based polices and plans at national level