Project Info

Project Code
Tranche Type
Promoting Refugee and Migrant Entrepreneurship in East Africa, the Andean region and the Middle East


Implementing Entity (Lead)
Collaborating DA Entities
Other Collaborating Entities
Other UN entities

Financial and Evaluation Info

Total Budget
Project Selected for Evaluation

Countries and Regions

Countries or Areas: Ecuador, Jordan, Uganda
Regions: Africa, Americas, Asia
Intermediate Regions:
Countries in Special Situations: Land Locked Developing Countries (LLDC), Least Developed Countries (LDC)

Areas of Work

SDG Targets
Thematic Clusters
Gender Equality and the empowerment of women
Social Development

Brief Description

Based on policy guidance and a collection of good practices and effective programmes for refugee and migrant entrepreneurship promotion, building on UNCTAD’s Entrepreneurship Policy Framework (EPF), and grounded in the knowledge and experience of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), UNCTAD will assist selected developing countries (Ecuador and Uganda) to design specific policy measures and deliver tailored capacity building workshops to promote migrant and refugee entrepreneurship according to the local needs and circumstances. Furthermore, because both entrepreneurship promotion and migration and refugee issues concern many areas of government (e.g. ministries) and many other stakeholders (private sector, NGOs, agencies and associations, etc.) the aim is to provide capacity building tools to mainstream migrant and refugee entrepreneurship across all areas and levels, to ensure policy coherence and to promote a multi-stakeholder approach. To trigger access to economic activities, selected skills development will be introduced to vulnerable groups identified among migrant and refugee communities in three countries (Ecuador, Jordan and Uganda). The project will disseminate its findings in the respective regions, promoting bilateral joint actions with Peru and Rwanda respectively, and collaboration and exchange of information on good practices at the regional level- East Africa, Middle East and the Andean region. All activities will be coordinated with IOM and UNHCR and the regional commissions, as appropriate.

Objective and Expected Outcomes

To strengthen the capacity of selected developing countries in East Africa and the Andean region to design and implement entrepreneurship policies and initiatives, and the Middle East to design and implement targeted entrepreneurship capacity activities that would foster the socio-economic integration of refugees and migrants into the local economies.
Expected Outcome 1
Enhanced awareness among policy makers and relevant stakeholders on how to develop special provisions in entrepreneurship policies for migrants and refugees.
Expected Outcome 2
Improved national institutional and technical capacity in selected developing countries to implement entrepreneurship capacity building initiatives and adopt specific policy measures to promote the socio-economic integration of refugees and migrants in the host economy.
Expected Outcome 3
Improved understanding and enhanced cooperation among regional stakeholders in the Andean region and East Africa on how to promote refugee and migrant entrepreneurship.