Project Info

Project Code
Tranche Type
Improving access to legal aid for women in Western Africa


Implementing Entity (Lead)
Other Collaborating Entities
Other UN entities

Financial and Evaluation Info

Total Budget
Project Selected for Evaluation

Countries and Regions

Countries or Areas: Liberia, Senegal, Sierra Leone
Regions: Africa
Intermediate Regions:
Countries in Special Situations: Least Developed Countries (LDC)

Areas of Work

SDG Targets
Thematic Clusters
Gender Equality and the empowerment of women

Brief Description

Legal aid is an essential element of a fair, humane and efficient criminal justice system that is based on the rule of law and a foundation for the enjoyment of other rights, including the right to a fair trial. This project, a collaboration between UNODC, UN Women, and OHCHR, complements ongoing efforts to improve access to legal aid in West Africa. It focuses on promoting and implementing gender-responsive legislation and policies, enhancing the capacity of legal aid providers and legal empowerment of women, including through training of women leaders and through partnerships with organizations to improve legal education and access to legal information and services. With a human-rights based approach and gender equality consideration, and in close cooperation with national and local authorities and other stakeholders, the project ultimately seeks to promote the availability and delivery of sustainable specialized legal aid services for women, including through targeted capacity building, as well as training of trainers to ensure effective knowledge management and local ownership, through enhancing the role and capacity of all relevant stakeholders to deliver gender responsive and rights-based services, with a view to taking into account an intersectional approach to the situation of women requesting these services.

Objective and Expected Outcomes

To enhance access to legal aid services for women in Liberia, Senegal and Sierra Leone
Expected Outcome 1
Increased capacity of law and policy makers to enhance gender-sensitivity of legislative and policy frameworks concerning legal aid in three countries in the region
Expected Outcome 2
Enhanced capacity of legal aid providers to deliver gender-sensitive legal aid services in Liberia, Senegal and Sierra Leone
Expected Outcome 3
Increased awareness of women in Liberia, Senegal and Sierra Leone of their right to legal aid and how to access it