Project Info

Project Code
Tranche Type
Inter-regional cooperation for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda


Implementing Entity (Lead)
Jointly Implementing DA Entities

Financial and Evaluation Info

Total Budget
Project Selected for Evaluation

Countries and Regions

Countries or Areas: Cambodia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Morocco, Philippines (the)
Regions: Africa, Americas, Asia
Intermediate Regions:
Countries in Special Situations: Land Locked Developing Countries (LLDC), Least Developed Countries (LDC), Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

Areas of Work

SDG Targets
Thematic Clusters
Sustainable Development

Brief Description

Cities are the epicentre of economic growth and are hotbeds for innovation and change. They host the necessary political institutions and governance mechanisms to promote the changes needed to accelerate sustainable development. However, their potential may be easily lost in the absence of holistic and cross-sectoral integrated planning and decision-making processes and effective and efficient monitoring and evaluation systems at all levels to ensure that progress is tracked, and results are accounted for and reported as appropriate. The progressive potential of urbanization can equally be lost in the absence of socially inclusive urban plans and policy decisions that foster wellbeing and leave no one and no place behind. The extent to which the urban potential can be harnessed relies strongly on the capacity of national and local governments to develop strategies that include cross-sectoral, multi-stakeholder integration and operate on multiple levels and scales of intervention. Through this project, UN Regional Commissions and UN-Habitat will increase policy coherence amongst member States across the regions and promote improved capacities of institutions and other agents of change in the implementation and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda and the New Urban Agenda. This requires a greater integration of regional, national, and local dimensions through a variety of activities including: (i) building capacity of national and local level decision makers to develop cross-sectoral and integrated urban action plans for the implementation, monitoring and reporting of the NUA and localization of SDGs; (ii) establishing mechanisms for sharing of information and successful practices combining global relevance with regional pertinency; and (iii) facilitating an inclusive process of regional monitoring and reporting on sustainable urbanization frameworks. The project will be piloted in nine target countries across the globe, in one city in each of these countries. The planned results of the project will be: (i) improved capacity among national and local policymakers and decision makers in selected countries to develop cross-sectoral and integrated urban plans and coherent urban policies for sustainable urban development in line with the implementation, monitoring and reporting requirements for the NUA and localization of the SDGs; and (ii) increased inter-regional cooperation and sharing of best practices allowing for the regionalization and subsequent localization of globally set urban agendas and commitments.

Objective and Expected Outcomes

Improved capacities of selected countries and cities in the implementation, monitoring and reporting of the New Urban Agenda (NUA) and urban-related SDGs with strengthened inter-regional cooperation and knowledge sharing
Expected Outcome 1
Strengthened capacities of national and city level policymakers and stakeholders including NGOs, private sector, academia, and representatives of vulnerable groups in target countries and cities to develop coherent national/ city urban plans and evidenced based urban policies.
Expected Outcome 2
Enhanced capacities of national and city level stakeholders to monitor, evaluate and report on the progress in implementing the NUA (including the Quadrennial reporting for 2022) and achieving sustainable urban development to inform regional and global monitoring and reporting
Expected Outcome 3
Enhanced inter-regional cooperation south-south and triangular learning and sharing of implementation experiences related to the implementation of the NUA.