Project Info
Project Code
Tranche Type
Responding to cases of trafficking in persons for the purpose of forced labour in Latin America
Implementing Entity (Lead)
Other Collaborating Entities
Other UN entities
Financial and Evaluation Info
Total Budget
Project Selected for Evaluation
Countries and Regions
Countries or Areas:
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Intermediate Regions:
Countries in Special Situations:
Areas of Work
SDG Targets
Brief Description
Trafficking in persons is a violation of human rights. According to the latest global report on trafficking in persons, more than 225,000 have been identified worldwide (UNODC, 2018). However, it is estimated that the problem is much bigger given the huge under-reporting that exists. The migratory flows from Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) that currently impact the South American region, marked by high vulnerability and irregularity; accentuate the structural factors that are historically associated with trafficking in persons, increasing the risks for its occurrence. Colombia, Peru and Ecuador have been historically affected by the occurrence of trafficking in persons and are three of the states most affected by current migratory flows, which are worsened by the effects of Covid-19 in the economy which has strong social repercussions increasing the risks of the most vulnerable population. In this context, it is essential to strengthen the capacities of these states to identify and refer victims of trafficking in persons for each of their purposes. This project seeks to strengthen capacities to deal with forced labor, which is the second most common purpose, but for which there are major deficiencies in the identification of victims in the beneficiary states (Department of State, 2020). Thus, UNODC COCOL and UNODC ROPER through this project seek to strengthen the capacities of these three states to identify and refer cases of trafficking in persons for forced labor, to the General Attorney Office so it is possible to initiate the prosecution process and to restore and protect the rights of victims from a human rights perspective. To this end, work will be done mainly with the Ministries of Labor of the three countries, but also with the migration authorities and the prosecutors\' offices. Therefore, from a human rights, gender and leave no one behind approaches, the project will carry out processes to generate knowledge that will make it possible to recognize the dynamics of these crimes in each of the beneficiary countries and will develop mechanisms to identify and refer these cases, and will develop to protect the victims’ rights after referral, the strengthening the capacity of public officials on these issues.
Objective and Expected Outcomes
To strengthen the capacity of labour inspectors, migration authorities and prosecutors in selected countries in Latin America to identify and address possible cases of forced labour, mainly in the context of mixed migratory flows
Expected Outcome 1
Increased the comprehension of the authorities (labor inspectors, prosecutors and migration authorities) of Colombia, Peru and Ecuador about the dynamics and magnitude of forced labor in the context of mixed migratory flows in the countries as well as the effects of the economic and social repercussions of Covid-19 and the measures taken to deal with it (quarantines, border closure, etc.) on these phenomena.
Expected Outcome 2
Strengthen the capacities of relevant authorities (labor inspectors, migration authorities and prosecutors) in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador to identify and refer cases of trafficking in persons for the purpose of forced labor to the Attorney General\'s office to initiated the prosecution process and the process of assistance to the victim that allows the restitution and protection of his or her rights.